I've been working on Petite Skins on what feels like forever and after buying the Version 2 YABU Mesh Petite, it feels things have finally clicked... and then Jolie was born!
I've set out a special limited Edition Jolie Petites skin especially for Valentines for 100L and it comes complete with an adorable Red Rose outfit:
Click for a bigger picture!
The skin comes with mid cleavage and full cleavage options.
The Mesh Petite avatar is not included with the purchase. You will need to buy this seperately from YABU which you can do from Petite Avatar Kingdom or though YABU's Marketplace store.
You will not be getting textures to apply yourself to your Petite Mesh Avatar. The skin is delivered through an applicator HUD system, which textures your Avatar. Full instructions are included with each purchase and with the DEMO.
I hope you will like her! The full range will be out very soon!
Taxi to Aeva // Heartsick Mainstore!
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