Lumae are taking part in the May Cart Sale @ Muggleborn which is on for 1 week only and begins on 1st May through to 7th May. There are 9 designers at the event, each with items for 50% discount regular price.
You can find the long awaited skin for LeLutka at the event. Deia is available in 8 tones in a neutral make up. She will be on sale for 50% discount for the duration of the event.
Please be aware that the event is in an Adult sim, but there are demos available at the main store and there is gifting available on the skins so you can have a friend buy them for you if you are unable to get into an Adult sim.
Click here to join Lumae @ the May Cart Sale
Deia is available in 8 tones and comes complete with the following:
* Head Applier with brow options (none, blonde, ginger, red, brown and black .. tone 7 - 8 doesn't have ginger brows) and there are freckle versions for each brow option aswell.
* Also included on the Head Applier are ear appliers for Soul Ears, BentBox Ears and LOGO Ears.
* Body Appliers are included for Maitreya, Belleza, SLink, Tonic and Omega Bodies and also includes Omega appliers for the V-Tech Maitreya Mod. Each body has four different cleavage options (no cleavage, soft cleavage, mid cleavage and push up) and has freckle and no nipple options too.
* AMD Baby Bump appliers can be found on the Omega page of the HUD.
* Leevi Ears in matching tones are included. These are modifyable so you can adjust them to your head in Edit.
* Shapes for each of the body brands listed above which when used with the Simone V2 Bento LeLutka Head, will give you the look of the model in the vendor ad above.
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