Lumae are taking part in the July round of Buy Now. This event takes place exclusively on the Second Life Marketplace! A selection of designers put out exclusive items for sale and you can shop from the comfort of wherever you are in SL without having to battle lag or fighting to get into a sim!
For this event, I have made LELUTKA HEAD APPLIERS in 10 tones. You will need to own or purchase a LeLutka head to wear these appliers. They will not work on any other head as LeLutka does not support Omega.
The package includes all body appliers I currently make : Maitreya, Belleza, SLink, TMP and Omega as well as AMD Baby Bump. It also includes FACELESS System Skins. These are for people who prefer to wear their system body with mesh heads, hands and feet.
Lumae Marketplace Store
And just to reiterate and make clear... I am not abandoning all other heads. I will be making SEPARATE appliers for all other heads I have made for previously.
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