Welcome to The Archives! A special place accessible only through the magical door found in the mainstore (or that magical URL below if you want!) ... where the older creations go to live! Taxi to The Archives @ Aeva // Heartsick I wanted my older skinlines to have life again and spent hours going through the depths of my inventory to find all the skins and shapes that I could that were released as part of gifts, hunts and events through the years.. Even some that were never ever released at all! I reboxed them and put them for sale at huge massive discounts! I know several people have wanted to be able to buy some of the older lines again and now they are back! Explore the dusty shelves to find heaps of Aeva // Heartsick and Burning Chrome Goodies! Among them you will find: + Discount Male and Female Skins + Ex Event Skins and Items + Ex Hunt Skins and Items + Ex Event Skins and Items + Special Items + Older Gatcha Items + Older Group Gifts + Trial Skins + Never released Skins + Retired Skin lines + Retired Male and Female Shapes + Child Skins and shapes + Burning Chrome goodies + Any other randomness from my creating history! Full fatpacks of older skins are priced from 100L - 350L Single packs along side and white boxed skins are 10L You will also find Ex-Event skins of the more recent skin line there. These are priced at 425L which is half the regular price. Older skins do not come with any mesh avatar enhancement support at the moment. There are no appliers made for these. This is something I might look into doing in the future if I get the time to do it. Have Fun!
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