Hey everyone!
I've just released the first set of applicators for the new
Lola's Tango Mesh Breasts! These applicators are available
in 5 tones that will perfectly match all of the newer skins -
Selene, Halo, Jaci, Phoebe and Yves.
Please note that the Mesh Breasts are NOT included and you
will have to go to Lola's store to purchase them seperately
before you can use the applicators. Here is the LM to the store:
Lola's Natural Breasts
Also these applicators will only work with the Tango Mesh
Breasts and not with earlier sculpted breasts from Lola's or
any other creator.
The applicators are priced at 350L per skin tone. Included with
the package are:
6 Skin applicators
You can choose from Freckle or non Freckle skins and also two
sizes of nipple. There is also a No Nipple skin that you can choose
to wear with your clothing if you want a change from the peeky
nipple look!
1 Nipple applicator
This is used to change the default texture of the seperate mesh
nipple that you can use with or without the piercings.
These applicators are really simple to use.. just wear your Mesh
breasts, wear the box containing the skin you wish to apply and
click on it... hey presto, your bewbs now match your favourite
Aeva//Heartsick skin!
Taxi to Aeva // Heartsick Mainstore!
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