We are thrilled to be taking part in this years Skin Fair! We are proud to be debuting our newest generation of skins. As you may know our skin lines always take the name of the first skin released so this is the Jewel Generation of skins! Im so excited to be sharing these exclusive skins with you, that for the duration of the Skin Fair, the three skins are DISCOUNTED! So you can try the newest addition to the Lumae family for half price and I hope you will love her.
SLURL to Sim 1 - We are here!
SLURL to Sim 2
There are a lot of subtle differences to the skin as I have refined areas all over the body and this time there is also a small cleavage layer option! One of the best things about this new skin line is that all appliers that I currently make will be included with each skin.. this includes:
* Omega Body Appliers - For use with Lola, Phat Azz, Maitreya body, Kitties Lair, WowMeh, Banned, G.Inc and any other body that is part of the Omega Project list of compatible designers that can be found on this list here.
* Omega Petite Appliers - For use with the Yabusaka Petite Avatar 2. You can now wear your biggie avatar Lumae skins on your Petites!
* Omega Head Appliers - For use with the Yabusaka Petite Avatar 2 and any other Mesh head that is Omega compatible.
* SLink Hands and Feet, Physique Body and now Visage Head appliers!
* The Mesh Project Body and Head Appliers
* Loud Mouth, Nyam Nyam, Sweet Lips and Kissers Mesh Mouths
* AMD Bump
Also included are the eyebrow colour options, cleavage layers and freckles options, eyelash layers and modify shape!
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