NEW! Evie Skin!
Available now instore in all 8 tones. Appliers are sold seperately including WowMeh appliers.
Taxi to Lumae Mainstore

Matching Loud Mouth appliers are also available.
Taxi to Lumae Mainstore

Matching Loud Mouth appliers are also available.

New Blogger Search!
We are currently seeking new bloggers to join our pool.. To find out how to apply, click on the link below and follow the instructions in the picture description..
Lumae Blogger Search!
Lumae Blogger Search!

Lumae :: New Group Gift!
Go to the Lumae store and join the Lumae Group for FREE to claim these two special Una skins!
Taxi to Lumae Mainstore!

Taxi to Lumae Mainstore!

Lumae in Lazy Sunday!
Lumae are taking part in Lazy Sunday this weekend with a new make up for the Una Skin! It is available in all 8 tones for a bargain price of L$75!
Taxi to Lumae Mainstore!

You can also buy the matching Loud Mouth Appliers!

All appliers are available in store including the appliers for WowMeh mesh body!
Taxi to Lumae Mainstore!

You can also buy the matching Loud Mouth Appliers!

All appliers are available in store including the appliers for WowMeh mesh body!
Aeva WowMeh Appliers for skinline from Lumi to Paris
As promised I have made the appliers for the last skin line released through Aeva // Heartsick that starts with Lumi and ends with Paris. I have also reduced these skins to a new lower price.
Taxi to Aeva // Heartsick mainstore

Taxi to Aeva // Heartsick mainstore

WowMeh Appliers for Lumae Skins
So many people have asked me about making appliers for the WowMeh Mesh Body. I have been hoping for so long that SOMEONE would make a full size mesh body and now someone finally has! So Im thrilled! I think the WowMeh is pretty amazing and the fact that it is Fitted Mesh makes it even better because you can truely make it your own unique shape!
I am happy to release the appliers for the WowMeh to match the Lumae Skins.. I will be creating matching appliers for older skins over the coming days so please keep checking back!
Taxi to Lumae Mainstore!

You can find these instore NOW!
I am happy to release the appliers for the WowMeh to match the Lumae Skins.. I will be creating matching appliers for older skins over the coming days so please keep checking back!
Taxi to Lumae Mainstore!

You can find these instore NOW!
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